Sunday, October 4, 2009
SO363: View of Japan as a Child
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

As isn't terribly surprising this time of year, we've been passing a pretty robust cold around the IES students at Meikai. My roommate Hannah has been stricken pretty hard and I'm afraid that I'm starting to come down with it myself. That said, there are actually quite a few differences between American and Japanese demeanor towards sickness.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Endo-Ryo and Foreigners
Saturday, September 26, 2009
SO363: Most Striking Aspect of Japan thus Far
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Second Half of Week 2- Entrance Ceremony, Vegan Healing Cafe, and Lazy Saturday
First half of Week 2 in Tokyo- Meikai Tours/Placement Test/Alien Registration/LaLa Port
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Weekend 1 in Tokyo- Shinjuku and Shibuya
Friday, September 4, 2009
Japan-Week 1 (Orientation for KUIS and Meikai)
Japan- Week 1 (Trip over)
Friday, August 28, 2009
California Bound
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
t-14 till take off
Oh! So, an interesting note- express mail both ways ended up costing me about 32 dollars. It was quite the blow. Perhaps no visa fees, but it definitely felt like there were. I guess it was better than the alternative costs- flying to New York, missing a day or two of work, and getting my visa there. That said, I'm crossing my fingers that this will be back by next Thursday, seeing as next Friday morning I leave to see my family in California. It looks like next Wednesday I will be visiting my family in PA, if ever so briefly.
So nervous... wah! I'm sure you'll hear from me soon.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
July Developments
So, here's the details of my particular case. As I live in Rochester, NY, my local consulate is the New York City Consulate in which... well, it's not particularly local for me and I wasn't exactly looking forward to buying airfare, hostel stays, and food just to apply for my visa. So, I contacted IES, who redirected me to the NYC consulate. They were VERY helpful, and I was especially impressed when I realized that most of the information was already on their website and they could have just redirected me there. However, for your information, I'll post it here as well.
First of all, if you live outside of NYC, you DO NOT have to report to the consulate, which is very nice for saving time and money. Here are the instructions for obtaining your visa:
2) Download the release of liability form (Download) and fill it out completely
3)Buy a U.S. Express Mail self-addressed stamped envelope with completed express mailing label and the postage
4)Take your valid passport (that is fine for 6 months past when you are leaving Japan), a 2 inch square photograph taken within the past 6 months, your self labeled envelope, liability waver, and COE (the original and one photocopy)and ship them the materials through the US Postal Service (and ONLY through USPS) to:
299 Park Avenue 18th Floor, New York, NY 10171
IES requires all students to have a cell phone. Well, getting a cell for Japan is a little bit of a headache, but what I found is that PicCell actually offers a pretty good deal... that is, if you're not bent on getting something fancy. In that case, you could still rent a pretty cheap SIM card from them. Personally, I'm only going to get the cell to make IES happy and really don't intend to use it. It's Skype for me. =] The 30 dollar one time activation fee is really all I intend to pour into this thing. But, here's where I got my phone.
Dorms and Strict Vegetarianism
Well, I got to thinking about how strict of a vegetarian I am and how odd it would be if they could actually place me in a homestay without placing a strain on some generous family or a strain on my diet. So, I let IES know that I am close to being a vegan. I received a frantic call from IES the next day, asking if that meant I didn't eat fish in any form. I found this interesting, since I thought expressing that I was a vegetarian on my application would have made this obvious. However, it apparently is not obvious. So, if you are applying through IES and do not intend to compromise, tell them you are a vegan. If you are a pescetarian or are willing to eat fish, noting vegetarian is not such a bad idea.
Their first solution to this was that I obviously could not be placed in a homestay and they immediately placed me in the KUIS Women's dorm. In ways, this was a cool situation to land in, in other ways, not so much. Suddenly, I had to budget 3,500 dollars for food and I had a strict curfew to return by 11 pm every night. I understood that it was different than America, but just the fact that the Get Set! handbook noted that they were very stringent with women annoyed me something awful. While the private room, bathroom, and kitchen were all nice assets, I cannot say that I was particularly hurt when I received news from Beth on Friday that they couldn't place me in KUIS, as it's for Society and Culture students only. Now it looks like I'll be in endo-ryo. If the pictures I have found of endo-ryo are accurate, I think I would rather be there anyway.
Oh! I applied for the e-pal program and got an email from Maika Sato, my epal. She sent me a short email and I kind of responded a little epically... I think I might have overwhelmed her. haha. Still, it was very nice to get an email from Japan! The closer I get, the more real it feels to me. It's crazy to think that in a little over a month, I'll be back in the country I left 6 years ago.
Well, that's it for now!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Mid-Summer Update
Aug 28 2009 Rochester-Los Angeles, 122.00
Aug 31 2009 Los Angeles-Seattle, Seattle-Narita 627.00
Dec 20 2009 Narita-Los Angeles 889.00
I obviously still have to buy my bridge back to the east (which is dependent on what my significant other is doing for New Year's... whether I meet him or go home will be decided by the end of the month. I am anticipating about 150-200 dollars more in plane tickets, based on where I am going). Needless to say, STA has made my travel very resonable, especially considering: a) roundtrip tickets to Japan typically cost in surplus of $2,000 b)The time of year I am coming back home is a VERY heavy travel time. So, apart from that shout out, I'm just glad I finally remembered which email I put this blog under =) Expect an update from me as soon as I know where I am staying/when I know the action I need to take when I get my COE.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Upgrading to Full Year Status
Upgrading to full year status, extending my term from Fall 2009 to Full year 2009-2010 in Tokyo was essentially as easy as just mentioning something. I asked Beth Eustis if I could upgrade and she basically told me to send her an email from my college saying it was fine and then she would upgrade me. The upgrade itself took about a week, mostly because it took 3 days or so for my school to get back to IES. In this time, though, I did a lot of thinking. First off, I had almost made the decision from my gut to upgrade to the entire year, barely thinking it out at all. I had the opportunity to sit and think-- did I want to be essentially stranded in Japan from December 20th until March 25th with no guarenteed housing or cash flow? No, I decided, there were too many potential problems.
Even though my visa would be fine during this time, I would most likely need to get special permission to work during this time. Furthermore, even though I was staying in a homestay, they would have no obligation to the program to keep me and, thus, I would have no idea if I should continue to stay and bum off of them during this time or if I would need to somehow arrange to live somewhere for four months. The only other option would be to return to the States during this time and get a job, if only for a little while. However, roundtrip airfare would cost at least $1200 and I had no interest in returning to find a job in my small hometown in the very off season. So, I thought, how does one avoid this gap? IES Nagoya.
I emailed Beth concerning admission to Nanzan, to which she replied the following:
Personally, I am pleased with coming back to UofR for the Spring semester, but I thought I would provide this information for those interested.You may indeed apply to the Nagoya program for Spring 2010 if you wish, but please know that you would not receive an admission decision from Nanzan University until about halfway through the fall semester. You would also have to return to the US during your semester break to get a new visa for the spring program since Nanzan’s Certificate of Eligibility (required for the visa) would not be issued until late fall. You can if you wish call the Japanese consulate now and explain that you are considering doing two different programs in Japan fall and spring, affiliated with two different universities and issuing two different Certificates of Eligiility. Ask if there is any way you could extend your fall semester visa once you are in Japan. I am not sure that they will do this but you can ask. Otherwise you would need to be back in the US in December to get your visa for Nagoya.
If you do decide to apply for Nagoya, please let me know because there is an extensive supplemental application required by Nanzan that we will need to mail to you. It is due back to us no later than August 3, 2009. Since this program fills early it is a good idea to submit the application well before the deadline.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Introduction and Acceptance
Application Process
My school is actually a partner of IES, so my application went through more than smoothly. At the U of R, anyway, I had to submit a proposal for Study Abroad by early February and wait a few days for the go ahead from my school. After getting this, I proceeded to fill out the very simple application (not even an essay involved) and was reminded very often by IES what was missing from my file. Apart for the application, which I filled out online, I had to send in a letter from my Japanese Professor detailing my Japanese proficiency, a recommendation from the Study Abroad office saying I was permitted by the school to go, and a copy of my transcripts. Due to random beaucracy (I was a day late on my tuition payment for February), my transcripts were held until I completed the March payment. As soon as these were released and recieved by IES Chicago, I got an acceptance e-mail.
In addition to the forms I had to fill out, my mother apparently had to fill out a waiver and an agreement that she was letting me study abroad, as well as an emergency contact sheet. Funny how even though I'm an adult, legally my school sees to it that I have my parent's permission before I leave, but my mom told me it was because I'm still listed as an dependent on her taxes. At the end of the day, that makes a lot of sense, I suppose. Still, IES doesn't seem to mind if you do not wish for your parents to recieve certain information, as I'll detail later.
I received my email of acceptance to the program on Friday, March 13 at 11:00 pm EST. Interesting, I suppose, that it was allegedly sent by my IES Adviser Beth Eustis in Boston, but, I suppose it could have technically been from Japan...? I guess it doesn't really matter. Haha. I was told I had until April 3rd to accept by simply filling out a form on the IES website (if I did not attend a partner school, I would have needed to submit a $500 deposit by that date. Partner schools pay the deposit for you but if you withdraw, you have to fork the cash over to the school).
To tell the truth, when I received my email, I was a little iffy on whether or not I wanted to go. Sure, I was about 90% sure that I wanted to be in Tokyo next semester, but there was still a little bit of doubt in my mind. So, I waited and thought about it over the weekend and on my way back home from Spring Break. I finally decided and submitted my acceptance form on Tuesday and started going through the other forms, which show up under the "admitted Students" section on the IES website.
I actually found somethings about the forms very interesting. One thing I didn't realize is how many I had to send in- a housing form, a language placement form, an arrival form, a bank form, an immunization form, a physical report, a Certificate of Eligibility, a Passport form, a Waiver, a Field Placement Form, and a Digital Headshot. About half of these you can submit online, but the other half are mailed in. The most interesting things I found about the forms are:
- By June 1st, you must submit a letter showing you have at least 6,000 USD in your bank account.
- If you have 2+ Years of Japanese, almost everything has to be filled out in Japanese, including your resume
- Unless you go with Independent Housing, there will be a curfew, either 11pm, 12pm, or undetermined.
- You have to have your physical at most 6 months before departure
- When it comes to the visa, they do most of the dirty work for you.
- You are strongly advised to arrive on the program start date due to Visa dates. EXACTLY on it.
- You are not allowed to add/drop courses after the start of the semester.
Service at IES
So, I had a few questions, as I was considering staying for the entire year (I haven't decided as of this post) and I contacted IES directly. My adviser didn't pick up when I called (about 1 pm on Tuesday), so I left her a voicemail and sent her an e-mail. Practically within 5 minutes, she got back to me and answered my questions. I was floored.
What floored me even more, though, was a call at 9pm last night from IES Tokyo themselves, congratulating me on my acceptance and asking if I had any questions. I, sadly, didn't, but was very impressed with their dedication to customer satisfaction. They encouraged me to get a hold of them if I came across any problems and I thanked them profusely.
I am truly looking forward to my year in Japan, being in the care of IES.